Creating site RPMs

Stacki allows you to create a basic RPM for distribution in a cart repository with the stack create package command.

It’s a basic RPM, it allows for files in only one subdirectory, but it allows for versioning and releases.

This enables you to package up a site application and provide it on every backend node.

We’ll do an example:

I have a prometheus set-up I like so I’m going to deploy that. It sits in /opt/prometheus.

# ls /opt/prometheus/
bin  console_libraries  consoles  dashboards  etc  share

This is the command I’m going to use:

stack create package dir=/opt/prometheus name=site-prometheus prefix=/opt version=2.0.0  release=7.x rpmextra="Requires: iperf, AutoReqProv: no"

Let’s unpack it:

Tell the command the directory to turn into an RPM. This would be the SOURCE for an RPM. This says: “tar up this directory and use it”

# stack create packages dir=/opt/prometheus

Give it a name:

# stack create package dir=/opt/prometheus name=site-prometheus

Tell it the top level prefix this should live under:

# stack create package dir=/opt/prometheus name=site-prometheus prefix=/opt

All the above options are required. Anything else we add, is not.

Give it a version. Default is the current Stacki version, which has a hash in it. Ick. I’m using 2.0.0 because that’s the version of prometheus I stole I’m using.

# stack create package dir=/opt/prometheus name=site-prometheus prefix=/opt version=2.0.0

Add a release, in this case I’m using ‘7.x’ so people who use it know it’s built for RHEL/CentOS 7 variants. Default is ‘1’

# stack create package dir=/opt/prometheus name=site-prometheus prefix=/opt version=2.0.0 release=7.x

You don’t have to add RPM extra options here. This is just to show you can. Comma delimited, make sure you know what you’re doing.

# stack create package dir=/opt/prometheus name=site-prometheus prefix=/opt version=2.0.0  release=7.x rpmextra="Requires: iperf, AutoReqProv: no"

This will barf out a lot of Makefile stuff. At the end, in the current directory you are in, you should have this:

# ls

Now this can be added to any cart in the RPMS directory and installed by adding it to a set of package tags <stack:package>site-prometheus</stack:package> and installed on currently running nodes with:

# stack run host command="yum clean all; yum -y site-prometheus"

Edited by: Mason J. Katz on Thu Aug 30 11:01:47 2018 -0700
Commit: 0fb49b5