Switch Configuration

Stacki handles switch configuration which includes:

A switch to Stacki is just a host with some minor differences:

Managing the switch

To get up and running we just need to:

Adding a switch

Adding a switch is just like adding a host:

The switchfile example spreadsheet looks like this:


If in the future you would like to change the model, username, or password you can use stack set host attr and change the attrs:

Adding an interface

If you used the spreadsheet, you can skip this step

Adding an interface is exactly the same as with hosts. The important part here is that the network you assign to the interface has pxe=true if you plan on setting the ip address with dhcp.

stack add switch interface private-switch interface=eth1 mac=00:11:22:33:44:55 ip= network=private

Warning If you do not add an interface name, the DHCP configuration will not include the switch’s interface.

Adding hosts

Adding hosts to be managed on the switch can be done two ways:

The switch_hostfile example spreadsheet looks like this:


Setting VLAN

The VLAN ID that is used to configure the switch comes from the host’s interface and can be updated using:

Apply the switch configuration

stack sync switch

This will run stack report switch first and then upload the new config to the switches that are configured.

Edited by: Mason J. Katz on Thu Aug 30 11:01:47 2018 -0700
Commit: 0fb49b5